Sunday, September 29, 2013

2013 Mofo 14 - Vegan Cubano Sandwich

Give into your cravings and still keep it vegan.  

I wanted to try the Daiya slices, so I was initially thinking Reuben, but swapped the sauerkraut for some cornichons and voila Cubano.

 Melty goodness.  Yum!

I like to keep some crusty country bread in the freezer, so toastiness is the way to go with this.

For less processed make your own sandwich options check out Celine & Tami's Vegan Sandwiches Save the Day!  Lots of way cool ways to have vegan sammiches everyday!

Vegan Cubano

2 slices bread
2 slices vegan deli slices
2 slices vegan cheese
5 cornichons (or one pickle) sliced
Vegan mayo
Vegan mustard - (read ingredients - some varieties are made with eggs)

Spread mayo & mustard on bread, top with deli slices, pickles, and cheese.  Toast until melty.  I like to put it on foil so the bread gets warmed, but not too crusty.  The Daiya really does melt, so the foil also keeps the toaster oven clean.  You could eat this open faced fancy style with a knife and fork, or regular  'ole sammich style.

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